PVE PTA  5.3.16   -   Standing Rules

The name of this unit shall be Pioneer Valley Elementary PTA 5.3.16, also referred to as PVE PTA or Pioneer Valley PTA. The Pioneer Valley Elementary PTA is a unit of Washington State PTA (WSPTA) and will adhere to WSPTA bylaws.


The Pioneer Valley Elementary PTA serves the children enrolled at Pioneer Valley Elementary School, which includes the residences and businesses in the Pioneer Valley Elementary enrollment area.


The Pioneer Valley Elementary PTA is registered with the Secretary of State under the Charitable Solicitations Act. The registration number can be found in a legal documents binder held by both the President and Secretary. It is the responsibility of the Treasurer to file for registration annually by September 30th to avoid penalties.


The Pioneer Valley Elementary PTA was incorporated as a non-profit, 501c3, by the State of Washington on September 17, 1991. It was assigned a corporation number that can be found in the legal documents binder held by both the President and Vice President. It is the responsibility of the Treasurer to file an Annual Corporation Renewal prior to September 30th each year. The registered agent for this corporation is the Washington State PTA.


The Pioneer Valley Elementary PTA will comply with the non-profit articles of the State of Washington. The Federal Employee Identification Number (EIN) assigned to Pioneer Valley Elementary can be found in a legal documents binder held by both the President and Secretary. This can be viewed upon request in the presence of either the President or Secretary. The Treasurer is responsible for filing the annual registration. The current Treasurer is responsible for filing IRS form 990EZ as required.


The membership service fee of Pioneer Valley Elementary PTA shall be $10.00 per individual. These dues include $5.75 for WSPTA fees per member, $2.25 for National PTA fees, $1.00 for Bethel PTA Council and $1.00 for Pioneer Valley Elementary PTA. Upon payment of dues, membership extends through October 31 of the ensuing year. Each member receives one membership card electronically and one vote.

This PTA’s general membership will meet bimonthly during each school year. Meeting dates and times shall be set by the Executive Committee and announced at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting date. Adoption of the budget, adoption of the standing rules, election of the nominating committee, and election of officers shall take place at general membership meetings. A legal quorum shall be no less than ten (10). An emergency meeting may be called without a ten (10) day notice, but a 2/3 vote of the total membership in attendance is
needed to conduct any business.


The presiding officer, typically the president, must remain impartial at general membership meetings as stated in the President’s Handbook. The presiding officer should not participate in debate on any issue unless he or she gives up the chair until the issue is closed. In addition, the chair only votes when the voting is done by ballot or if the chair’s vote will change the result of the vote.


The standing Rules shall be adopted annually by a majority vote at the first PTA general membership meeting of the year. The standing rules may be amended at any regular general membership meeting by a two-thirds vote of those members present, or if ten (10) day written notice is given, then by a majority vote.


Pioneer Valley Elementary PTA shall keep at least two (2) copies of each of its legal documents in two (2) separate locations. One copy will be kept with the President; the other copy will be by the Vice President in the PTA office. The Secretary will keep a minute notebook containing all minutes from the last 2 years. Minutes older than 2 years will be kept indefinitely in a separate type of storage, as stated in the WASPTA bylaws.


For all PTA-related non-financial online accounts, all Executive Committee officers will have
a copy of all passwords.


The nominating shall be elected according to the Washington State PTA Uniform Bylaws, Section 5. A nominating committee of at least three and no more than five members shall be elected by ballot at least fifteen (15) days preceding the election of officers. If only three candidates are nominated, the three shall be declared elected. A plurality vote shall elect. This committee must submit a written report of the nominees to the President and the general membership fifteen (15) days prior to the election. The President and the Principal are not eligible to serve on the Nominating Committee.


Officers shall be elected annually at the general membership meeting prior to April 31st. The newly elected officers shall assume office on July 1st of the year in which they were elected. Voting may be by voice vote if only one (1) candidate is nominated for an office and there are no nominations from the floor. Absentee or mail-in proxy ballots will adhere to the Washington State PTA Uniform Bylaws.


To be eligible for election to office, a person must be a member of the Pioneer Valley Elementary PTA in good standing, owing no back dues or fees, for at least fifteen (15) days prior to the election. No person shall serve in the same office for more than two consecutive terms. An officer having served eight (8) or more months shall be considered to have served a full term. An office/chairperson shall be declared vacant if that person misses three (3) consecutive meetings.


The Executive Committee of this organization shall consist of the following elected officers: President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. All officers may have co-positions, with co-officers receiving one (1) vote. All officers shall have separate votes at Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and General Membership Meetings with the exception of the President who shall vote only in the event of a tie.


Officers shall be elected in April for a term of one (1) year and shall assume office on July 1st of that year. No person shall serve in the same office for more than two (2) consecutive terms. Per Washington State PTA bylaws, all elected officers must attend at least one Region or State-offered PTA training during their elected year of service. Attendance at the state convention in May prior to the start of their service year in July is acceptable and meets training requirements. Pioneer Valley Elementary PTA is to pay the convention registration fees and other associated fees for elected officers within the approved budgeted amount. Funds are allocated under the Training-Tools Board/Committee Line.


The Board of Directors shall consist of the members of the Executive Committee, Fundraising Chair and Membership Chair. Board of Directors meetings shall occur monthly.


A board position shall be declared vacant if an elected officer or committee chair is absent three (3) consecutive Board meetings, unless excused by the President. If a vacancy occurs in the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors may elect an acting officer to serve until the next general membership meeting at which time nominations shall be made from the floor with the consent of the nominee.


Committee chairs shall be appointed by the President with approval of the Executive Committee, for the term of one year. All committee chairpersons must be current members of this PTA. All plans for committee/fundraising events or projects must be submitted on a Pioneer Valley Elementary PTA Committee Plan of Action form 14 days prior to the date the event is to occur. Approval from the Executive Committee is required before the plan can be implemented.


A budget is not an approval to spend monies. The committee chairperson must submit a plan of action report listing possible expenditures to the Executive Committee for approval.


Pioneer Valley Elementary PTA shall be represented at Bethel Area Council PTA meetings
by a minimum of one representative as long as Bethel Area Council has given ten (10) day

A minimum of three elected officers shall be on the signature card for all PTA bank accounts. All checks are required to be signed by two (2) authorized officers and may not be signed checks written to themselves.


This PTA shall approve an annual operating budget in the spring of each year.


The Executive Committee can reallocate funds within the approved budget line, noted as Reallocation Fund, up to that amount one (1) time per school year. Changes to approved appropriation of funds more than $500 must be by two-thirds vote, or if written notice is given within ten (10) days, then by simple majority.


All monies shall be counted and verified by two (2) Pioneer Valley Elementary PTA members (who are in good standing). A tally sheet with both counting members’ signature must accompany the money. Money shall be counted in a secure location, out of public view, immediately following the event. Counted funds are to be given directly to the Treasurer and may not be stored on school property per Bethel School District guidance. The funds are to be deposited directly into the bank immediately.


A financial review committee, minimum of three (3) members appointed by the President, will review the financial books twice a year. Members of this Committee shall not include the Treasurer, or any person authorized to sign on any PTA bank accounts, for the period reviewed. The financial review report will be presented at the next following membership meeting by the review committee.


Any receipts not turned in to the Treasurer for a PTA event within thirty (30) days of purchase will not be accepted or reimbursed. Items will be considered a donation. There will be no reimbursement in September for the prior year’s business. The exception will be for school district bills.


The treasurer will submit a monthly financial report to the board of directors.


Should the PTA receive a NSF check, a service fee in the amount of $25.00 will be charged. This will be in addition to any fees imposed by the PTA’s bank account, unless decided on by the executive officers. If the check is not cleared up no future check payment can be accepted.


When banking online and accepting electronic payments, Pioneer Valley Elementary PTA will adhere to all online safety controls as listed in the Washington State PTA guidelines. When accepting any electronic payment through Square Up, a $0.50 fee will be added to each transaction, with a minimum purchase requirement of $5.00 to help offset associated fees assessed from Square Up.


The PTA’s monthly bank account statements shall be provided unopened to a person appointed by the board of directors. This person will be appointed by the board at the beginning of the fiscal year and shall not be a signer on the account. The reviewer shall promptly report to the executive committee any concerns or discrepancies identified in the review. If no concerns or discrepancies are seen, the reviewer shall initial and date the account statements and provide them to the treasurer.

All contracts must be in writing and should be signed by two elected officers including the titles of the officers on the signature line. All contracts including the terms and conditions of the contract must be fully understood and agreed upon by the Pioneer Valley Elementary PTA Board of Directors.


The students of Pioneer Valley Elementary shall be considered honorary members of the Pioneer Valley Elementary PTA without voice, vote, or the privilege of holding office. This enables all students to participate in games of chance in accordance with the Washington State Gaming Commission.


This PTA will recognize (2) two previous Pioneer Valley students to receive college scholarships in the amount of $500.00 based on current budget. This will be a (1) one time amount. In order to be considered for a scholarship, the student must be a graduating senior from the Bethel School District. A committee of three (3) members will choose the scholarship recipients, preferably but not limited to the PVE PTA
President, current Principal, and school Counselor.


Per the Washington State PTA Uniform Bylaws, we will annually review the Washington State PTA Standards of Affiliation agreement in its entirety and we agree to abide by all requirements and to uphold the ethics, policies, and principles of PTA.


This PTA may send as many voting delegates as allowed by the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws. All delegates shall be selected by the Board of Directors.